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Setup of the environment


Jailbreak iOS 14 with Checkra1n

Jailbreak is needed to make an audit of an iOS application. Checkra1n allows us to get our iphone jailbroke.

sudo checkra1n 


In order to get support on iOS 14.2 we need to skip the A11 BPR checks.

Skip A11 BPR checks

Once properly configured we can jailbreak our iphone.


Jailbreak iOS 15 with Palera1n

Passcode should be deleted previously. You can download palera1n from the following link:

Open a terminal and keep the tab open.

sudo systemctl stop usbmuxd
sudo usbmuxd -f -p

First step is to run palera1n without root permissions (rootless).

./palera1n-linux-x86_64 -l

Once on DFU mode open close the palera1n and execute palera1n another time with root permissions and follow the instructions.

sudo ./palera1n-linux-x86_64

Note: If fails and the phone gets stucked on DFU or recovery mode execute the following command: sudo ./palera1n --exit-recovery

Note: If wifi does not work afeter jailbreak, try to execute palera1n in safe mode: sudo ./palera1n -s

Installing Burp certificate

Once the proxy has been configured on the device, open the browser and search for the url http://burp. Download the profile.

Downloaded Profile

Then go to settins and a new tabb will appear with the downloaded profiles.

Downloaded Profile

Install the profile.

Install Profile

Finally, we just need to enable and trust with the certificate. Search on settings trust certificates and enable PortSwigger CA certificate.

Burp Certificate

Setup openssh server

Root password should be changed before ssh usage. Execute the following commands to change the password from NewTerm software on the iOS device.

iPhone:~ mobile% sudo passwd root
[sudo] password for mobile: [enter password setup during Palera1n install]
Changing password for root.
Old Password: [alpine]
New Password: [alpine]
Retype New Password: [alpine]

Installing packages

on Sileo

In order to make and audit some software is needed:

on Kali

It’s important that the frida server (iphone) version match with frida client (pc).

Frida client installation:

pip3 install frida
pip3 install frida-tools

Useful commands:

frida-ls-devices	# list devices
frida-ps -Uia		# running processes
frida upload <local> <remote>
frida download <remote> <local>

frida-trace -U "app" -i "*log*"		# functions called


Objection is an awesome tool that uses frida to hook functions and make bypasses such as ssl pinning or jailbreak detection.

pip3 install objection


frida-ps -Uai
objection --gadget com.example.app explore

IPA extractor

We can extract the IPA from an installed application from APP Store.

Modify the code in order to put the IP and Port of the iOS ssh server.

DUMP_JS = os.path.join(script_dir, 'dump.js')

User = 'root'
Password = 'alpine'
Host = 'IP'
Port = 22
KeyFileName = None
python3 ./dump.py com.example.app

Evasion techniques

SSL Pinning

Objection can be used with the default scripts.

objection --gadget com.example.app
com.example.app on (iPhone: 16.7.9) [usb] # ios sslpinning disable

With the package SSL Kill Switch 3 we can bypass ssl pinning. It can be installed from any package manager. Repo: https://repo.misty.moe/apt.

Jailbreak Detection

With shadow some jailbreak detections can be bypassed. Repo: https://ios.jjolano.shadow.


With Objection

Sometimes we can’t bypass the defenses with default templates, so should find the method that make the check and hook it properly.

ios bundles list_bundles
ios bundles list_frameworks

ios keychain dump
ios info binary
ios nsurlcredentialstorage dump
ios nsuserdefaults get
ios cookie get

ios jailbreak disable
ios sslpinning disable

ios hooking list classes
ios hooking search classes <search>
ios hooking list class_methods <class_name>
ios hooking watch class <class_name>		# hook a class
ios hooking watch method "-[<class_name> <method_name>]" --dump-args --dump-return --dump-backtrace 		# hook single method
ios hooking set return_value "-[<class_name> <method_name>]" false 		# change boolean return
ios hooking generate simple <class_name> 		# generate a hooking template

With frida

frida -l script.js -f com.example.app 		# basic hook
frida -U --no-pause -l script.js -f com.example.app 	# hook before starting the app
import frida, sys

jscode = open(sys.argv[0]).read()
process = frida.get_usb_device().attach('infosecadventures.fridademo')
script = process.create_script(jscode)
print('[ * ] Running Frida Demo application')
